A new work in the Las Vegas marijuana industry

People don’t guess me when I say that I moved to Las Vegas to learn about cannabis, but it’s the truth! Everyone has the same image of Vegas in their heads, and people guess there is nothing here except bars, hotels, casinos, and performance halls.

The truth is that the tourist-trap sections of neighborhood do not represent everything Las Vegas has to offer. This is a deep and culturally rich community, and several of us who live here never go to the casinos at all, and over the last decade, Las Vegas has developed a reputation for excellent cannabis, and since I just finished school and desired a task in the cannabis industry, I thought Las Vegas would be a good locale to start, even though I had learn extensively about the weed industry in NV, there was so much left for me to learn; I applied at several weird cannabis labs and grow operations in the Las Vegas area. Millions of people come to LAs Vegas every year, and several of those people sample the local cannabis, but no one ever thinks about where it comes from. They guess that Las Vegas has the cannabis shipped in from a locale more famous for its weed. The truth is that 90% of the cannabis sold in Las Vegas is grown and farmed right here in the same state. That is what I wanted to be a part of – developing new strains of cannabis in the desert. That I could follow my dream and live in Las Vegas felt like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.