Cannabis successfully helps psoriasis

Psoriasis is believed to be an immune system problem that can be triggered by stress, infections and cold, and it can be hereditary, and there is no cure, but the condition can last for several years or an entire lifetime, skin cells build up too suddenly and form scales that tend to be itchy, dry and often sore, for me, the rash showed up on my knees and elbows right after the birth of my second child, then my baby was collicky and extremely difficult; She cried a lot and refused to nap for more than a few minutes.

It took two years before she started sleeping through the night.

I was fatigued, depressed and stressed. Initially, I treated the rash with over-the-counter medications and expected it to go away. It took nearly six months for me to figure out that it was psoriasis. I got a diagnosis and a prescription from the healthcare expert. The prescription was for a very tiny tube of ointment and cost me over a hundred dollars. It helped for a couple of weeks and then the psoriasis became immune to it and came right back. I’ve now been suffering from the symptoms of psoriasis for thirty years. I had given up all hope on even minimizing the unsightly and painful rash until recreational cannabis was legalized in CO. I visited the dispensary in Denver without much hope for a solution. However, I was willing to try anything. The budtender recommended a synergistic treatment involving a cannabis tincture and a topical… Both products include high CBD and low THC. I take the tincture at night before bed. I apply the cannabis-infused ointment multiple times per afternoon. I’ve been shopping cannabis products at the dispensary for over a year and my psoriasis symptoms are almost honestly gone.

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