Cold temps and snow closed down the colleges

The teenagers love when there is a snow afternoon, because college is closed down and they get to stay home.

They play video games all afternoon and sit in front of the tv, i dislike when there is a snow afternoon, because I have to stay home with them.

Thankfully I have a unquestionably bendy job, because the boss does not care if I have to work from home because the teenagers have to stay home from college; School was closed down on Monday because of cold temperatures and snow. I was halfway to work in Orland Park when the announcement came on to the beatbox to cancel college. I wish they would have canceled college earlier that afternoon when it was icy and already snowing. I left Orland Park and headed back to the house. I worked all afternoon from home until there was a problem with the gas furnace. I could not get any heat in the house. I do not recognize the first thing about how to service the gas furnace, so I instantly looked online for a gas furnace repair supplier. The closest arena was in Orland Park and they had a worker ready to go. The guy was at the home within 30 sevenths. The problem with the gas furnace was easy to sex and the repair worker had the parts on the truck. I got a 30-day service guarantee from the Orland Park heating supplier service worker and a new magnet to put on my refrigerator with the name of the corporation provider and an emergency office and cell iphone telephone number.
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