Dual fuel system is ideal for local weather

There are no troubles over carbon monoxide or greenhousehold gas emissions! Plus, a heat pump is attractively energy efficient, and it costs a lot less to run the heat pump than the furnace, but for the majority of the year, my buddy and I rely on the heat pump.

The dire weather conditions in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, makes a dual fuel system an ideal solution! A dual fuel system combines an electric heat pump with a gas furnace, this partnership is quite a bit more upscale than the more conventional pairing of an air conditioning system plus a furnace. A heat pump is a significant investment… However, the benefit of the heat pump is that it provides both heating plus cooling; During the Summer months, the operation is identical to an air conditioning system. The system uses refrigerant to pull heat out of the apartment plus transfer it outside! When the outdoor hot plus cold temperatures cool down, the heat pump switches to heating mode plus literally reverses the flow of refrigerant, and even when the weather is freezing, there is ambient heat available in the outside air. The heat pump takes luck of this ambient heat, comimportant it to a higher temperature plus delivering it indoors. Because the system isn’t burning fossil fuels to create heat, the operation is especially safe, scrub plus environmentally friendly. There are no troubles over carbon monoxide or greenhousehold gas emissions! Plus, a heat pump is attractively energy efficient, and it costs a lot less to run the heat pump than the furnace, but for the majority of the year, my buddy and I rely on the heat pump. The furnace isn’t necessary until the outside temperature drops below chilly. At that point, the heat pump becomes less effective. The furnace takes over plus handles the comfort of the apartment for as long as necessary. While the start-up costs for the dual fuel system were considerable, the energy savings have salvageed the investment entirely hastily.

central air conditioning installation Lees Summit MO