Forget the ice rinks, when in Denver I’m all about the cannabis dispensaries

Back in the days of our youth I loved to ski, and i was a demon on fresh powder, tearing up the slopes all around the city.

  • One of the great things about going to see Denver is that there are 50 odd venues within driving distance that offer great skiing, and as I got older our tastes changed, plus I spent less plus less time out on the slopes.

I still love to ski, especially when I am with our teenagers, however if I am enjoying some “Me Time” I would much care about to hang out in the smokers lounge of a Denver cannabis dispensary. Imagine our joy when I discovered a new cannabis dispensary on a mountain overlooking the gorgeous city of Denver, this was the best of both worlds, because I got to savor the crisp Colorado air plus the amazing snowy slopes, with a cannabis joint in our hand the whole time. I never absolutely went skiing, I just loved the setting plus the view of Denver with a head full of cannabis smoke. In the future, I might not even bring our skis! There is a lot more to Denver than the weed, of course, although I have found that everything is a little better with cannabis in our system. The live music scene in Denver is surprisingly robust, plus there are a hundred great venues to eat… But as I said, the food in Denver tasted better after I’ve smoked some local cannabis, plus the music sounds a lot more soothing, and even if you don’t smoke cannabis, I highly recommend a trip to Denver.



Recreational Marijuana Denver CO