I savor the smell of the fireplace

When I was a kid, my mom would take myself and others to my Grandparents condo every weekend & they had a fireplace in the residing room, then they constantly had lots of different wood burning on the fire & the smell would fill the house. They had cherry, hickory, & pine, but some of the wood was difficult & would burn for a long time & some of the wood was soft & would burn up absolutely abruptly, however it’s much easier to start the fire with a softer wood, so the people I was with and I constantly keep some dry pieces by the fireplace in my house. I grew up & bought a condo that has a fireplace, because I wanted my condo to smell the same way that my Grandparents’ condo did when I was a kid. The fireplace in my Orland Park, Illinois condo is in the middle of the condo in the residing section where my family & I gather to watch cable & play board games. The hearth has a mantle that is made of maple wood from a tree that was harvested close to Orland Park. This is where I display all of my youngsters’ recent school pictures… My child attends Orland Park elementary this year. He was supposed to wear a shirt with a collar & I put him in the clothes that he was supposed to wear when he left the house. He had a Spider-Man t-shirt on under the shirt with the collar. He took off the shirt with the collar & got his picture taken with the Spider-Man t-shirt instead. It wasn’t exactly the formal picture that I was hoping to see when the pictures arrived. It was still funny & his smile was cute, so the people I was with and I decided to get that picture package.

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