The majesty of sights in Seattle

There are few things in life more attractive than the majesty of nature, and i was a city-dweller during our young mornings, and it was only as I approached retirement age that I realized I needed to transfer far away from other people and like the grand solitude of Mother Nature.

Within reason, of course! I don’t mean actual solitude, because I don’t recognize how to hunt or grow our own food, nor can I make our own clothes.

I found a cheerful medium by living on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington, where I have 1 foot in the town and 1 foot in the forest; Out here I own many acres of property, which gives myself and others a kind of freedom I could never have living in the town of Seattle, then like all big cities, Seattle is seriously crowded, and I need room to breathe! However because I live so close to Seattle I can still avail myself all the resources it has to offer. I buy all our cannabis products from 1 particular dispensary in the suburbs of Seattle. I wish they would beginning a delivery service, however they tell myself and others that Seattle still considers cannabis delivery a crime. It’s not a big deal, because I would go to Seattle once or twice a month anyway for a nice meal or to see a show, the songs scene in Seattle is almost as amazing as their cannabis. This is the perfect locale for myself and others to live, because as much fun as I have in Seattle, I still don’t want to live there.

Recreational Weed Seattle WA