The neighbor's dog would not stop barking all night

I’m really starting to dislike my friend as well as that is something that I do not like to say really often, but the friend does not treat his dog really well as well as that drives me crazy. The guy does not think it is a immense deal to leave his dog home alone when he goes to work at the marijuana dispensary in Denver, then unfortunately, the Denver marijuana dispensary is at least an hour away, my friend works an 8-hour shift. He leaves early in the day as well as does not get home until late at night as well as I have to listen to the dog bark as well as wine all night long, then i tried to say something to the employer of the home building, even though she said that the guy has paid for the right to do whatever he wants with his cat, then she does not seem to care at all about the fact that that dog is bothering me all day as well as all night. The employer of the home building in Denver provided to move me to a odd building if the noise made me aggravated. I thought that the employer was just being rude until I found out that she had every intention of giving me an home that was on the other side of the property. I would really like for the guy that works at the marijuana dispensary to find anywhere else for his dog during the day. It’s not even-handed that I have to listen to the bad animal as well as it’s not even-handed that the animal has to sit there alone as well as tied up all day long either.



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